Custom Tips:
I have found a great way to make removable
saber hilts. What you do is find a lego piece
that looks somewhat like this:
From: Jer
>re: removable lightsaber hilt
>Yoshi, don't tease me like that! What set(s) can that little piece be
>found in? What color is it? etc, etc Do you have a pic of it?
>(hoping, here)
They can be found in Exploriens Lego sets (white Lego spacemen). The smallest set that it is available in is a two piece land vehicle with a trailer with a big transparent blue laser-type thing on it. It'll probably cost around $8 and you'd get 2 of the hilts Yoshi was talking about. Another useful piece of Lego is the flexible hose that comes with another Exporiens set. It's great for Luke Bacta Tank, and X-wing and TIE pilot chest pieces.