The charts on this page represent the monthly goals that one family set in their efforts to secure a 1-year supply of food and other necessities. Based on some of the entries, I am guessing the family to be Mormons. Beyond reformatting the text-file for HTML, I am leaving the file as I originally received it. If you see something that doesn't apply to you, by all means leave that item out of your budget.

Make a goal to always have the fuel tanks on ALL vehicles at least half full.

Find a place in your home that is easily accessible for storing the kit. You need to be able to grab it at a moment's notice to leave your home. Your first aid kit is also part of the 72 hour kit.

NOTE: your 72 hour kit is part of your general storage but your general storage CANNOT be part of your 72 hour kit. When you need it there may not time to gather it together for transport.


Storage goal:72 hour kit:
24 cans of meat or fish per person 1 change of clothes, inc. boots and coats
1 gallon bleach per personax, shovel and bucket
can openerutility knife
garbage bags$20 cash
laundry detergent$5 in change for phone


Storage goal:72 hour kit:
100 pounds (total) pasta & flour per person1 gallon water per person
hand grain millscriptures
thread, needles, buttons, & zippers*personal documents
$25 cash

* - genealogical records, wills, insurance, contracts, passports, birth certificates, patriarchal blessings etc.


Storage goal:72 hour kit
50 cans soup, stew or chili per person1 pound dried fruit or trail mix per person (can use fruit leather)
5 pounds salt per person1 package soda crackers per person (4 pkg. per box)
20 pounds fat - oil or shortening per person1 package graham crackers per person (4 pkg. per box)
Aluminum foil, plastic wrap, storage bags, etc. 2 liters tomato or orange juice per person
At least 5 gallons water per person - recommended is 14 gallons/person for 2weeks (Note: these items will be rotated every 6 months- see Sept.)


Storage goal:72 hour kit:
2 pounds yeast per person 4 granola bars per person
2 pounds baking powder per person2 sticks beef jerky per person
1 pound soda per person1 package chewing gum per person
1 gallon vinegar per personHard candies or lollipops - at least 12 per person
10 cans evaporated milk per person(Note: these items will be rotated every 6 months - see Oct.)
20 pounds peanut butter per person
spices, condiments and vanilla


Storage goal:72 hour kit:
100 pounds variety of cereal grains per person (rice, oatmeal, cornmeal, etc.) battery powered radio
24 rolls toilet paper per personbattery powered light
2 rolls paper towels per personbatteries
24 packages flavored gelatin per person
garden seeds
1 small bottle olive oil (for consecrating)
At least one month prescription ahead for all doctor prescribed medication


Storage goal:72 hour kit:
First aid kitContainer for holding kit:
large garbage cans with wheels
a back pack for each family member is recommended


Storage goal:72 hour kit:
50 pounds sugar or honey per person Prepare blankets or sleeping bags to be accessible at a moment's notice.
10 - #10 cans (35 pounds total) powdered milk per personemergency blankets (the silver foil ones)
2 toothbrushes per persongather items to entertain your family and include in kit(UNO cards, coloring books and crayons, x-stitch kit, paper and pencils, etc)
toothpastecamp stove or portable BBQ and fuel
mouthwashmosquito repellant
infant needs
(formula, baby food, diapers, Tylenol etc)
$25 cash


Storage goal:72 hour kit:
100 quarts fruit and/or vegetables per person1 can tuna per person
24 pints jam or jelly per person1/2 lb. dried milk per person
feminine needs2 packets hot chocolate mix per person (or 1 large can per family)
school supplies2 instant soup packets per person
pet supplies(These items should be rotated every year.)
disposable plates, cups, bowls, & silverware
pet supplies - be sure to include dishes, leash, and extra water


Storage goal:72 hour kit:
10 - #10 cans (35 pounds total) powdered milk per person1 pound dried fruit or trail mix per person (can use fruit leather)
25 pounds canned or dried potatoes per person1 package crackers per person (4 pkg. per box)
50 quarts fruit or tomato juice per person1 package graham crackers per person (4 pkg. per box)
2 liters tomato or orange juice per person
(These items to be rotated every 6 months- see March.)


Storage goal:72 hour kit:
50 cans soup, stew, or chili per person4 granola bars per person
10 pounds cheese - dried or bottled per person2 sticks beef jerky per person
shaving supplies1 package chewing gum per person
dish soapHard candy or lollipops - at least 12 per person
( Note: These items will be rotated every 6 months - see April.)
Check batteries for light and radio. Replace if needed.


Storage goal:72 hour kit:
100 pounds wheat per personsoap
1 - #10 can juice mix with Vitamin C per persontoothbrushes & toothpaste
hand/shower soapshaving supplies
light bulbsinfant needs
At least one month prescription ahead for all doctor prescribed medication.feminine needs
aluminum foil


Storage goal:72 hour kit:
40 pounds dried beans per persongarbage bags
batteriescan opener

Outlands Commentary

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