The Barn

Mailing Lists:

Debbie Dahl runs 4 mailing lists dedicated to homestead animals. I asked her for descriptions and subbing info and here's what she has to say -

Meat Goats - a list for anything that pertains to meat goats
Nubians - a list for anything that pertains to Nubian dairy goats
Toggs - a list for anything that pertains to Togg dairy goats
PyrGuard - a small list to learn about Livestock Guardian Dogs
Since the ones that I maintain are "closed" to avoid SPAM, SCAM and numerous solicitations, I must approve new members. So potential subscribers can write to me ... with their complete name, street address and a daytime phone number. This is so I can "check them out" if there is a question. Fewer than ten people have been turned down for membership to the MeatGoats List because they are known troublemakers. :)
OutNote: the links for the four lists above are links directly to Debbie's mailbox for you to contact her about subscribing.

Animal Pages

Backyard Food Pond - easily create a food supply in your back yard, even in the city
Check out these links for a start in conventional Langstroth bee hives. Or, the survivalist might want to consider some type of top bar hive which is easier to construct.

The Outlands

