| Vet Supply Houses |
Gypsy-Woman, a regular poster on the Y2K-Homestead list filched and passed on this compilation of Vet Supply Houses from the Goat List. Thanks, Gypsy! If any of you readers know of any more that should be added, pass them on and I will get them listed.
Here is a consolidated list of all the book catalogue info I received...
- Dairy Health 1-800-7933
- Valley Vet - 1-800-468-0059
- Sullivan Supply - 1-800-588-7096
- Texas Show Supply - 1-800-548-9760
- Pipestone Veterinary
- American Livestock
- Good Resource for more
- Exotic & Livestock Magazine - 512-756-9600
- The Goat Magazine - 210-789-4268
- The Goat Rancher - 601-562-9529
- Livestock Weekly - 800-284-5268
- Meat Goat News - 915-655-4434
- Ranch & Rural Living - 915-655-4434
- United Caprine News - 817-579-5211
- Nasco Farm & Ranch - 1-800-558-9595, 209-545-1600
- Omaha Vaccine - 800-367-4444
- Livestock Health PBS - 800-321-0235
- Meadow Mate All Natural Caprine Products - 319-352-3602
- Hoegger Supply - 1-800-221-GOAT (1-800-221-4628) (orders), (770) 461-6926 (catalog)
- Caprine Supply - 1-800-646-7736 (orders), (913) 585-1191 (catalog)
- Jeffers (Livestock, Equine, & Pet Catalogs) - 1-800-JEFFERS (1-800-533-3377)