Homemade Yeast

thanks to: Ellie of Kcaramat Farms

This is an Old Recipe....from a Great Grandmother~


Boil one ounce of best hops (We grow our own, but you might be able to get fresh hops from an herb company.) in two quarts of water for thirty minutes; strain and let the liquid cool to warm. Put into crock or bowl. Add 4 tsp. each of salt and brown sugar, now beat up 2 cups of flour with part of liquid and add to remainder, mixing well together and set aside in warm place for three days. Then add 1 cup smooth mashed potatoes. Keep near the range in a warm place (great near a wood cookstove) and stir frequently until it is well fermented. Place in a sterilized, wide mouth jug or glass jar. Seal tightly and keep in a cool place for use. It should keep well for two months and be improved with age. Use same quantity as other yeast, but always shake the jar well before pouring out.


To a quanity of liquid yeast add enought shifted flour to made a thick batter, stir 1 tsp salt and set to rise. When risen stir in sifted and dried cornmeal, enough to form a thick mush; set in warm place and let rise again, knead well and roll out on a board to about one-half inch thick and cut into cakes one and one-half inches squareor with a two-inch round cutter; dry slowly and throughly in warm oven. Keep in cool, dry place for use. Will keep thoroughly for six months. To use, dissolve one cake in 1 cup of lukewarm water.

I try to make yeast when our hops are fresh and then I have yeast for part of the winter. I have never tried dried hops and not sure if it would work, but it might be worth a try!


Kcaramat Farms~ Wool & Lamb Naturally
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