Alternative Stoves

When it comes to cooking, there are more choices for getting the job done than just gas or electric. If disaster struck your homestead, cutting off all outside utilities, could you still cook meals for your family that they are accustomed to eating? There's no excuse not to - not after looking through the following sites.


The Solar Cooking Archives
- plans for 11 different solar ovens (including one made from a pizza box!), documents, FAQ's, archives, resources, directories, news, and an email group; looks like *THE* place to go if you want info on solar cooking
El Paso Solar Energy Association
- info on solar still, cooking, dehydrating, etc
"Heaven's Flame"
- book on solar cooking available from HomePower Magazine


Alaska Fireplace and Accessories
- company website with links to numerous wood-stove manufacturers
Vogelzang International Corporation
- manufacturer of wood stoves, including a kit that uses 55-gal drums for stoves

*brick/adobe ovens*

The Brick Oven Page
- loads of info on brick and adobe ovens
Rumford Fireplaces
- manufacturer/supplier of fireplaces, they have a brick oven plan on their site, as well


"The Perfect 3.3 Cent Breakfast"
- thermos cookery of sprouted wheat by Kurt Saxon
Crock-pot Cooking
- part of the "World in Your Kitchen" website; enormous list of recipie links
(I know, you need electricity to run a crock-pot)
Let's Q!
- BBQ and smoking website; lots of homemade cookers illustrated; includes a section on making your own charcoal
Volcano stoves
- manufacturer of a charcoal-fired dutch oven cook-stove [ASG advertiser]
Dutch Ovens
- see Black Magic Cooking

Light the FireThe Kitchen
The Outlands Homestead Homesteading page
