The Armory
And He said to them, "...and if you don't have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one."
There's more to survival weapons than just guns. In fact, mankind got along for quite a few years before gunpowder was ever used. You may find yourself in a situation without a single firearm. Knowing how to make and use "primitive" weapons under such circumstances could mean the difference between life and death.
Archery - sending "pointy sticks" downrange
the gunrack - my suggestions on a "survival battery" for all occassions
Freedom's Last Stand - why we should be an armed society
Semi's for The End Of The World - an argument in favor of semi-auto's over bolt-actions
Accuracy Basics - a brief primer; sent to me by a friend and I have no idea of the originator, but it *looks* like it came from the Rec.Guns website
Tune Your Mini-14 - 3 areas where you can do a little work to improve the rifle's accuracy; again, a friend sent this to me
"Why your 1911 won't work!" - what you need to know and do to properly use your .45 1911 pistol; another forwarded article

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Other nifty sites to visit:
- Rec.guns homepage and FAQ
- This site is run as an adjunct to the usenet newsgroup rec.guns; lots of good general firearms info here.
- Undernet #guns homepage - the topic is (loosely) guns and the chat is lively and in realtime
- this site is dedicated to giving you more info on the regular denziens of the channel.
- Gunman07's HomePage - one of the #guns denziens
- great pro-gun 'site with plenty of links for pro-gun activists
- Air cannon - using compressed air; safer than spud-guns using hairspray
- Why an aircannon for survival? Consider this:
- "A few days ago, I tossed a full beer can 400 yards ... Good tossing, I'm really getting a thrill out of this, as the objects you can toss is almost unlimited."
- Think about it.
- Brownells
- Now *this* place has it going! If you want a gun-part for a commercial firearm, I'd say start here.
- Mauser-Man
- If you are interested in older guns (mostly Mausers, surprise), you'd do well to check this place out. They do carry a few modern guns and their prices seem competitive.
Sturm, Ruger, and Co.
- This is it, the Ruger homepage. How to get a replacement manual for a Ruger firearm, how to determine (roughly) when your Ruger was made, and much more!
Rugermania! - a branch of Wilson's World
- They advertise gobs of Ruger accessories, in addition to new and used guns (all laws apply) - but the accessory and parts databases aren't available yet.
 | the Army Doctrine and Training Digital Library - Army Field Manuals online; some are restricted to active or reserve personnel only, requiring a user-id and password; lots of good stuff easily available to the public |
[other gun/weapon -related sites]
