Homeopathy, a form of medicine that relies on minute amounts of herbs, minerals, and other substances to stimulate a person's natural defenses and help the body heal itself, often tames illnesses with a single dose of medicine and causes virtually no side effects. HOMEOPATHY, which is derived from two Greek words, literally means "similar suffering." Although the concept dates back to at least the tenth century B.C., modern homeopathy is based on the observations of Samuel Hahnemann, an eighteenth-century German physician. Dr. Hanemann considered the medical practices of the time barbaric, because patients were regularly bled, leeched, and blistered to purge them of fluids believed to cause most illnesses. Disillusioned, he quit medicine and became a translator of scientific texts. But Dr. Hahnemann continued to experiment on himself with various substances in hopes of finding a more humane way of healing people. He suspected that disease represented an imbalance in what he called the body's vital force (modern homeopaths believe he meant the immune system) and that only a small stimulus was needed to restore balance in the body's natural defenses. But that hunch didn't fully bloom until he began experiments to discover why small doses of quinine, an extract from a Peruvian tree bark, cured malaria. To his surprise, Dr. Hahnemann found that large doses of the drug had unexpected effects. After taking massive doses of quinine for several days, he developed trembling, heart palpitations, and other symptoms of malaria. As soon as he stopped taking the drug, his symptoms disappeared. >From this experiment, Dr. Hahnemann developed his belief that "like is cured by like," also known as the law of similiars, which is the basis of homeopathy. Dr. Hahnemann theorized that if large amounts of a substance such as quinine cause symptoms of illness in a healthy person, then small doses of that same substance should cure an ill person who has similar symptoms. But Dr. Hahnemann had to overcome one major obstacle. Some of the substances he used, such as arsenic, mercury, and belladonna (deadly nightshade), were extremely poisonous. So Dr. Hahnemann diluted the substances in water and alcohol until he believed he had safe doses that would trigger healing in the body without causing any harmful effects. In fact, Dr. Hahnemann theorized that as the doses got smaller, the remedy not only would become less toxic but wuold actually be more potent and effective as well. Today, more than 1,200 substances are recognized as homeopathic remedies. These remedies are diluted so that 1 drop of a medicine is mixed with either 9 or 99 drops of solution--that is 87 percent alcohol and 13 percent distilled water--creating a dilution of 1 to 10 or 1 to 100. This mixture is vigorously shaken, then 1 drop of the mixture is diluted and shaken into another 9 or 99 drops of solution. After about 24 dilutions, there usually isn't one molecule of the original homeopathic medicine left in the solution. This process, however, often continues for 1,000 or more dilutions and shaking to increase the solution'sx potency, homeopaths say. Homeopathic remedies are regulated by the Food and Drug Administration. Available as pill, powder, or liquid, these remedies are considered safe enough for 95 percent of them to be sold over the counter in many or most health food stores in the United States, according to the National Center of Homeopathy. (When buying, remember that remedies that are labeled X have been diluted 1 to 10, whild remedies labeled C, which are more potent, have been diluted 1 to 100. So a 3C remedy, for example, has been diluted three times at a ration of 1 to 100 and is the equivalent of one drop of homeopathic remedy in one million drops of a solution of water and alcohol.) Homeopaths say they don't treat specific diseases. Instead, they treat the whole person based on all of his emotional and physical symptoms. So depending on their symptoms, a person who has a wart and a person who has a headache may be given the same remedy. On the other hand, homeopaths also believe that two people with the same illness can have very different symptoms and need very different remedies. Although it sounds complex, homeopaths say the basis are easy to learn and many people can develop enough homeopathic skills to treat most of their families' minor ailments at home. HOMEOPATHIC TREATMENTS YOU CAN USE FOR TREATING ALLERGIES: If you are sneezing a lot and have itchy, watery eyes and a runny nose it is suggested that you try Allium cepa 30C once or twice daily until you begin to feel better. The same does of Sabadilla can help people who have violent sneezing attacks in addition to other hay fever symptoms. For people whose prime symptom is watery, burning eyes, take Euphrasia 30C once or twice a day. If one of these remedies doesn't seem to help within seven days, consult your medical doctor or homeopath. FOR TREATING ANXIETY: A dose of Ignatia 6X every 15 minutes may help you reduce the fear and anxiety. Do not exceed four doses, since excessive repetition of Ignatia can actually trigger anxiety. Gelsemium is another excellent remedy that can help you deal with stage fright or anticipation of an ordeal such as an important business conference. If you have anxiety accompanied by diarrhea, that's a sure sign for Gelsemium. Take a dose of Gelsemium 6X every 15 minutes until you begin to feel calmer, do not exceed four doses. FOR TREATING ARTHRITIS: Rhus toxicodendron will help relieve painful joints accompanied by stiffiness in the neck and in the small of the back that is worse in cold weather and better on warm, dry days and after exercise. Take a 30C dose once a day or a 12C dose twice daily. A similar dosage of Bryonia will help if you have stiff and painful joints that are hot and swollen and feel worse with motion. A 30C dose of Cimicifuga is a good remedy if you have an uneasy, restless feeling and achy muscles that are worse with cold and in the morning. It is recommended that any of these remedies be taken in the indicated dosage until you begin to feel better. FOR TREATING A BACKACHE: To lessen back pain, try one of the following 6C or 12C remedies three to four times a day until you begin to notice improvment. If you feel bruised and sore and don't want to be touched, and if the pain is better while you're lying down, it is recommended that you take Arnica. Aesculus may help if your lower back gives out, accompanied by dull pain that is worse after walking or stooping. For a painful, stiff neck that feels worse with motion, cold, and weather changes and better with rest, try Bryonia. Rhus toxicodendron may help if your back symptoms make you restless and you can't get comfortable in any position, especially if you have stiffness in the small of your back that is worse with motion. FOR TREATING BURNS: To treat a minor (first-degree) burn, put 20 drops of Calendula tincture in four ounces of water and bathe the skin with it four or six times a day until the pain goes away and the burn heals. You can also use Urtica urens as a tincture in the same way as Calendula or you can take 6C or 12C tablets every two or three hours as needed to relieve the pain. If it's a stinging, swollen burn, try a 6C or 12C of Apis every two or three hours until the pain goes away. If you have a second-degree burn, a burn that has blistered and is very painful, you shold seek medical attention immediately. But as additional therapy, take a 12C or 30C dose of Causticum or Cantharis once every 30 minutes to an hour until the pain is relieved. FOR TREATING COLDS: If you have sinus congestion, thick green nasal discharge, sensitivity to touch, and pain in your cheekbones or on the bridge of your nose, then try a 30C dose of Kali bichromicum once or twice daily until you begin to feel better. If you feel warm, if you feel better in fresh air, if you don't feel thirsty, and if you're unusually emotional, try a 30C dose of Pulsatilla once or twice a day. If you have a chest cold with a cough, irritability, and thirst to the point of gulping water, and if your sinuses feel raw, a 30C dose of Byronia three times a day is recommended. On the other hand, if you feel restless, anxious, irritable, chilly, thirsty (but drink in sips), and if you have a watery, burning nasal discharge, a 30C dose of Arsenicum once or twice a day is advised. FOR TREATING CUTS, SCRAPES, AND SCRATCHES: Cleanse the wound with soap and water, then apply Calendula ointment. If it is a painful scrape or abrasian, wash the wound well with a mixture of 20 drops of Calendula tincture and 20 drops of Hypericum tincture diluted in four ounces of water. Then apply a sterile dressing moistened with this mixture two or three times a day until the wound has healed. FOR TREATING THE FLU: Oscillococcinum, Flu Solution, and other commercial combination remedies containing duck liver and heart extract are excellent flu fighters. Combination flu remedies work for a lot of people, particulary if they take one in the first 4 to 12 hours after symptoms appear. Follow the dosage recommendations on the label of the remedy you choose. If it's going to work, you should feel relief with a single dose. If the flu persists, you'll probably need a more specific remedy, such as a 12C or 30C dose of Eupatorium perfoliatum, which is good for a flu that causes aches and chills in your back and bones, fatigue, thirst and bad headaches. If you feel dizzy, drowsy, and weak but momentarily better after urinating, try a 12C or 30C dose of Gelsemium. Take up to four doses of these flu remedies in 24 hours. If you don't feel better after then, see your medical doctor or homeopath. FOR TREATING HEARTBURN: If you have heartburn associated with heaviness after meals, excess gas, and a bitter taste in your mouth, especially after large meals, try Nux vomica 30C every couple of hours until you feel betteer. If food feels stuck behind your breastbone, your tongue is coated, and you crave starchy foods (which only make the symptoms worse), try Pulsatilla 3C every two hours. Naturm muriaticum 30C every two hours may offer relief if your heartburn is accompanied by nervoursness, tension, and pain in the upper abdomen. FOR TREATING INSOMNIA: For mild bouts of insomnia, try taking a 30C dose of the following remedies one hour before bedtime for 10 consecutive nights. It is suggested repeating the dose if you wake and can't get back to sleep. If you can't pop your mind out of gear because of some good or bad news, try Coffea. Pulsatilla is recommended if you feel restless when you first go to be, it you alternate between being too hot and too cold, if you aren't thirsty, and if your insomnia seems worse after eating rich foods. Ignatia is a good remedy if you yawn a lot but aren't able to drift off, if you dread not being able to sleep, or if you have nightmares when you do fall asleep. If you're anxious, worried, or restless, if you have ominous dreams about fire or danger, and if you're wide awake between midnight and 2:00 AM, try Arsenicum. Lycopodium may help if you talk and laugh in your sleep, if you're aware that you dream a lot, if you often wake about 4:00 AM, and if your mind is usually very active at bedtime. FOR TREATING LARYNGITIS: If you suddenly develop laryngitis along with a bright red, dry throat but you don't want water or other fluids, try a 30C dose of Belladonna every two hours. If your condition persists for more than two days, or if you notice white spots on the back of your throat, see your medical doctor or homeopath. FOR TREATING MUSCLE CRAMPS AND PAIN: Rubbing Arnica ointment, cream, gel, or oil into a sore muscle, then applying a warm washcloth three or four times a day can help relieve cramping and pain. Taking a 12C or 30C tablet of Arnica two or three times a day until the pain and soreness are relieved may also help. FOR TREATING NAUSEA AND VOMITING: If you feel nauseated and don't know why, you first thing to try is a dose of Ipecacuanha 6X every 15 minutes until you begin to feel better. Do not take more than four doses. FOR TREATING PREMENSTRUAL SYNDROM: Although PMS is usually treated on a personal, case-by-case basis by homeopaths, you might want to try one of the following 30C remedies before seeking professional help. It is suggested taking the remedy for the symptoms that most closely match yours every 12 hours for up to three days, beginning 24 hours before PMS usually starts in your cycle. If your breasts are tender and your symptoms are worse in the morning, try Lachesis. Calcarea is recommended if you crave eggs and sweets, if you have cold sweats and swollen and painful breats, and if you feel clumsy or tired. Nux vomica will help if you're irritable, chilly, constipated, urinate frequently, and crave sweet or fatty foods. If you are disinterested in sex, if you crave sweet or salty foods, and if you feel irritable, weepy, chilly, and emotionally detached try Sepia. FOR TREATING TOOTHEACHE: To relieve a throbbing toothache that develops suddenly, try a 30X dose of Belladonna every 30 to 60 minutes until the pain begins to diminish. If cold weather or foods make your tooth pain feel worse and if warmth and light pressure on the jaw make it feel better, a 30X dose of Magnesia phosphorica every 30 to 60 minutes as needed is recommended. FOR TREATING VAGINITIS: Ladies since I don't want to sent the guys on this mailing list into too much shock, I will send private emails to those of you who are interested in the homeopathic treatment for vaginitis...Roxy SOURCE: DRUG-FREE HEALING: Breakthrough Remedies for Healing Yourself Naturally, by the editors of PREVENTION Magazine Health Books